
  • Siham BABA AHMED

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Ceratonia siliqua L., carob tree, phytochemical screening, flavonoids


Ceratonia siliqua L. is a Mediterranean plant that is widely used in traditional medicine and in food for its fruit and seeds. Leaves and bark are therefore by-products of cultivation but are not valued. The objectives of this study is to compare the chemical components of the leaf and bark and to determine the different chemical classes present in these two parts. This is a descriptive comparative study by a tri-phytochemical screening of the leaf and bark of Ceratonia siliqua. The extraction is performed by three solvents of increasing polarity for each organ. On the six extracts obtained, characterization reactions of the different chemical groups are carried out. As result, both organs contain sterols, saponosides as well as polyphenols including catechic tannins but only the leaf contains flavonoids characterized in the three extracts of this organ. On the other hand, the reactions of alkaloids and quinones are negative for both organs, it would seem that this plant ensures a certain safety for their food and therapeutic use. The leaf proved very interesting by the presence of flavonoids known to date for their therapeutic virtues. These encouraging results must be supplemented by assays as well as bioassays and clinical trials.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

AHMED, S. B. (2023). PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING OF CERATONIA SILIQUA BARK AND LEAF. Ases Uluslararası Tarım Dergisi (ISSN: 3023-5626), 1(1), 7–11. Geliş tarihi gönderen